People have asked me what I used to produce this site and how I was able to keep it regularly updated even from the bottom of the planet.


  • Olympus C-700UZ digital camera - This was my workhorse for the images on this site. I bought it on credit for $535 with the Pro pack (case, extra memory, lenses) from It's a 2 megepixel camera with a 10x optical zoom and takes AA batteries. It connects to any recent computer through USB.
  • Panasonic PV-DV910 digital camcorder - purchased in 1999 from Best Buy and refurbished in 2001 for the trip. The firewire makes it easy to edit movies on a Mac, plus take 640x480 digital stills. I shot 3 hours of footage, some of which ended up in a CNN documentary.
  • Various DET cameras and pics from other people.


  • Apple Powerbook G4 (Titanium) - This laptop has been through a lot. It's survived three storms in the North Pacific and the Bering, and crossed the Southern Ocean twice. It made the trip between the helipad and the dorms in McMurdo daily. Only a few "battle scars" to the paintjob, at least I can say they got put there by volcanic rock from Antarctica. A Mac Mini would have been really nice, but they didn't exist in 2001!
  • The USCG standard workstation gets the job done, it's just not as pretty. I used the SW to upload stuff when we were underway.

While underway we had a few hours each day with a satellite connection. I regularly got up in the middle of the night to do uploads because the windows during the day were for business traffic. They sent nightly email and I was able to piggyback on that.

In McMurdo, they have about ISDN speed for the entire base. They make it available everywhere. We had it in the fishhut, and I often spent several hours in the coffee house attached to the wall and uploading movies.

The beauty of the MacOS is its ability to connect to everything. This is even more true now that they came out with Jaguar (10.2). I ran 9.2.1 for the entire trip, and didn't know what I was missing. But a floppy got everything over that cables couldn't. If this had been even a year earlier, this site's richness would have been impossible. The future is cool!

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Page posted 03/04/2003