Motorized Equipment
This place is a big sandbox with grownup sized Tonka Toys. No kidding. If you like big trucks or construction equipment, this is the place for you. Single purpose trucks. Rigs from the set of Star Wars. Stuff that drives all day on the ice sheet and then tackles a 45 decree incline for dessert.

Some of this stuff is run by the construction crews and some of it is for general use. For the most part, if you've used it before, its fair game. No knowing when a sudden storm is going to blow in and YOU might be the only person to move it. Big tires to get out over the ice, tires bigger than a person. Scoops bigger than a Datsun. And almost everything is red.

So much for cheap insurance.

F350's are for general use around town. Don't forget your chock & microbrake.

A DELTA flatbed with wheels bigger than me.

A DELTA transport with tracks for use on the ice sheet.

A Spryte is a mini DELTA for offroad missions.

A Haglund is a Delta-Spryte cross for taking people & gear into the field for research.

Antarctic Dumptruck with an attitude.

The scoops are coming! Dirt moving happens everywhere.

The CASE loader. They have names like BASKET, MENTAL, CRANK, etc.

Some of this stuff only comes out for the offload. Some of it comes ON the offload.

The ambulance has seen better days - note the junkyard replacement door.

Fuel trucks keep the helicopters flying and the other equipment rolling.

Enroute the fire. Oh wait, just another drill. Nice truck.

IVAN the "Terrabus". Big tires rule.

Check out some cool books and merchandise associated with arctic trucks.

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Page posted 03/02/2002