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October 28, 2006: USCGC Edisto hosted a family day. Michelle and Ed were invited as guests of the XO, Greg Lynch, who is a former Idler. The ship's crew were amazing hosts and all the families had a great time.

Edisto Cruise

October 15, 2006: We went to Mill Valley for breakfast and saw this Land Rover out front of a theatre. Everyone thinks it was a promotional stunt for the movie as part of the Mill Valley Film Festival.

American Stripper Truck

October 14, 2006: Ed was in San Francisco and Michelle went to New York. Talked to Andy, and The Molenes are finally available on iTunes! (affiliate link). Show your support for Andy's latest musical effort and gift a bunch to your friends.

Ed went to Guitar Center in downtown San Francisco with his friend Bill and Bill's son Josiah.

Monster Cable shirt at Guitar Center

October 8, 2006: Musical recital today, and dinner out to celebrate Michelle's birthday. While walking into the city for dinner, Michelle saw this smudge on the window. Right below the smudge was a (presumably) dead pigeon. The very dusty pigeon left wing, head, body, and leg imprints. Looks like it realized the window was there, but too late:

Official accident photograph - impact mark of pigeon on vertical mirrored window. View looking southwest.

The pigeon was banking hard, but stalled or overtorqued before impact. The window was street level with a definite mirror effect in the afternoon sun. Perhaps the pigeon succumbed to a False Visual Reference illusion, or maybe the Black Hole Approach illusion (other sensory illusions). That's what you get with two trained aircraft accident investigators on the scene.

Accident Scene
Official accident photograph, with reconstructed final trajectory and path to wreckage. View looking North.

October 5, 2006: Ed is interning with Booz Allen. They have an interesting culture, kinda like the military and kinda like a law firm. Strange and different. Maybe in a good way, but can't tell yet.

Meanwhile, Michelle has been working with her doctors to plan the next stage of pummeling Fifi. Her main neurosurgeon is Dr. Holland, who has led a very interesting life. Here's a story about working with a football photographer, and another from his time in San Francisco.

October 1, 2006: Ed has a new cell phone. It has a camera. LaVache was right there...Poor Kitty.

La Vache