This was my 9th cross country flight. We took the south route, and but for a couple of legs, the weather was the best I've seen. Beautiful, clear days, some just a little bit hot, and little or no wind with which to contend.
April 23: We stopped in San Antonio, Texas. All the guys went to the Alamo.
Cool jet at Chenault Jet Center
(Photo by LT Hollinger) |
We remembered to go to the Alamo
(Photo by AMT3 Justice) |
April 24: One of the helicopters broke down in the morning. So we spent the day at the FBO. They took us to Casey's BBQ.
Flying through Louisiana
(Photo by LT Klatt) |
This pic would be cool anyway, but it's especially cool having been taken at 8500 feet
(Photo by AET2 Maghupoy) |
April 25: We had to file and fly IFR to get out of Texas. But once we left it behind the scenery was amazing. The route took us through Midland, TX, Las Cruces, NM, and into Phoenix, AZ.
When we got to Scottsdale, the Saturn "Ion" airship was waiting. Very cool.
(Photo by LCDR Beale) |
Crossing the Sierra Nevadas in a helicopter. Climb, baby, climb!
(Photo by AMT3 Justice) |
April 26: This would be the day we crossed the Sierra Nevadas. The weather was excellent and the aircraft worked well. We were able to escape some of the 35C+ degree heat by climbing, but it was still a furnace in the valleys.
The Hoover Dam looked pretty amazing.
(Photo from video by LCDR Beale) |
The Vegas Strip. Feel Lucky? Do Ya, punk?
(Photo by AMT3 Justice) |
Lots of windmills, some broken, most not turning.
(Photo by AMT3 Justice) |
(Photo by AET2 Maghupoy) |
April 27: Headed out of San Fran and up to Seattle. What a choice. But we had to get there to make our sailing date.